Country Turkey.
Actor Aras Bulut Iynemli.
writed by Kubilay Tat, Özge Efendioglu.
genre Drama.
Resume Yedinci Kogustaki Mucize is a movie starring Aras Bulut Iynemli, Nisa Sofiya Aksongur, and Deniz Baysal. A story of love between a mentally-ill father who was wrongly accused of murder and his lovely six years old daughter. The
A touching, lovely story about a father and daughter. Umarım insanlar bir gün elini vicdanına koyar ve otizmli insanlara iyi davranır😑. Cambo cambo diye siritan zenci. sinemada en çok sana güldüm 😂😂😂😂. Movie stream yedinci kogustaki mucize olsun 4. I wish they can make this movie in every language so everyone can experience it in the language of their heart.
Sonucta insan onlar elbet hata milletten olursa olsun askere aptal diyen aslinda kendi aptaldir
Moi qui pensait n'avoir que des frissons quand je suis touché, jamais j'aurai suspecté que ce film me ferait pleurer comme un enfant de 6 ans malgré tout les dires et avertissements de mes amis. Ce film est une pure merveille mais si triste à la fois. Si tu ne pleures pas durant ce film, c'est que tu n'as pas de cœur.
Movie stream yedinci kogustaki mucize filmi.
Herkes bbugün izliyo.
Heirli, uhurli, bol reitingli olsun insAllah. 💖 💖 💖 💖.
Aklımızda kalan tek soru Recep İvedik konya kuru fasulye festivaline yetişebilmek mi.
Çok güzel olmuş valla yaw ❤.
#nesetbaba #kirsehir #kaman.
Olum nabıyo herkez burda.
Overall a very good movie with good acting.
Yes, there are some plot holes, but its 2h that you will not feel as lost time. In the end faith in humanity is restored. 🙂
Dont see the movie because of all the 10s people are giving, also forget the haters giving it less than 6. Some people will just love everything just because it gives you feelings, other just hate everything if no kabooms are heard.
Solid 7/8 and a movie to be seen.
Really interesting and really nice after many years i want to see something everyday bravo from Greece. TALISH❤️. 100 Yıldır severek dinlediğim büyük usta NEŞET ERTAŞ Ruhun şadolsun. Kıraç ta fena yorumlamadı. Ne alaka orda neşet baba söylüyo. Filmin en en güzel sahnelerinden biri ve arkadan bu müzik cidden mükemmeldi herkesin eline emeğine sağlık♥️. İzledim ama orjilanini Kuzey Kore yapımı yada güney koremiydi yanlış demeyeyim, inanın ona bile ağladım çok güzel film yaptılar, inşallah bunuda izlerim. Harika bir filmdi❤️ harikasın sen Aras bulut ☺️.
Kapakataki kadın annendi heralde
01.19.45 ferman dikkat et ağzına sinek kaçıcak 😃😏😀😀. Nasıl yani. Movie stream yedinci kogustaki mucize olsun. Domain Summary Global Traffic Rank 338, 079 ▴21, 440 Estimated Visitors 840 / Day Estimated Page Impressions 4, 200 / Day Domain Creation Date August 15, 2018 Domain Age 1 year, 8 months and 24 days (632 days) IP Addresses 2 × IPv4 and 2 × IPv6 Web Server Location United States Updated: Thu, 7 May 2020 01:30 GMT | Reviewed: Thu, 7 May, 2020 21:56 GMT Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) When was registered? was registered 631 days ago on Wednesday, August 15, 2018. When will expire? This domain will expire in 99 days on Saturday, August 15, 2020. When was the WHOIS for last updated? The WHOIS entry was last updated 66 days ago on Monday, March 2, 2020. What are 's nameservers? DNS for is provided by the nameservers and. Who is the registrar for the domain? The domain has been registered at, Inc. You can visit the registrar's website at. The registrar's WHOIS server can be reached at. What is the traffic rank for ranks 338, 079 globally on Alexa. How many people visit each day? receives approximately 840 visitors and 4, 200 page impressions per day. What IP addresses does resolve to? resolves to 2 IPv4 addresses and 2 IPv6 addresses: 104. 31. 94. 207 104. 95. 207 2606:4700:3035::681f:5ecf 2606:4700:3036::681f:5fcf In what country are servers located in? has servers located in the United States. What webserver software does use? is powered by " cloudflare " webserver. Domain WHOIS Record Domain Name Domain Extension com Top-Level Domain (TLD) TLD Type Generic Top-Level Domain (gTLD) Registrar, Inc. Registrar WHOIS Server Registrar URL Domain Updated Date 2020-03-02T20:22:07+01:00 Domain Creation Date 2018-08-15T13:51:51+02:00 Domain Expiry Date 2020-08-15T13:51:51+02:00 Domain Status clienttransferprohibited Nameservers DNSSEC unsigned Sponsoring Organisation VeriSign Global Registry Services WHOIS Server Registry URL IP Address and Server Location United States Location United States Latitude 37. 7510 / 37°45′3″ N Longitude -97. 8220 / 97°49′19″ W Timezone America/Chicago Local Time 2020-05-08 01:47:13-05:00 IPv4 Addresses 104. 207 IPv6 Addresses 2606:4700:3035::681f:5ecf 2606:4700:3036::681f:5fcf Website and Web Server Information Website Title remenz Website Description remenz Website Host Server Software cloudflare Number of Sites Linking In 42 DNS Resource Records Name Type Data @ A 104. 207 @ A 104. 207 @ AAAA 2606:4700:3035::681f:5ecf @ AAAA 2606:4700:3036::681f:5fcf @ represents the DNS zone origin as often found in BIND zone files Traffic Summary Global Traffic Rank Estimated Monthly Visitors Estimated Monthly Pageviews 338, 079 25, 600 128, 000 Overall Traffic Statistics Time Range Global Traffic Rank Global Reach Global Pageviews Pageviews per Visitor 3 months 338, 079 ▴21, 440 0. 01‱ +20% 0. 002‱ -14. 95% 5. 00 -26. 89% 1 month 145, 440 0. 03‱ 0. 005‱ 5. 00 7 days 415, 160 ▾331, 207 0. 02‱ -69. 037% 0. 001‱ -95. 561% 1. 00 -85. 673% Reverse IP - Websites on the same IP Address Websites with Similar Names Related Searches See also: Domain List - Page 909, 430.
Amerikanın batmanı süpermeni varsa bizimde recep abimiz var. 8:07 mesut akusta adam öldürecek gibi bakıyor. Mükemmel film mükemmel oyunculuk harikasın aras bulut iynemli 😢♥️. Başta Güldüren Sonunda Ağlatan Çok duygulu bir film. Diziye bağımlı olduğum için en baştan yeniden izleyeceğim xd. Movie stream yedinci kogustaki mucized. Kenya yolundayım Kenya yolunda. Sevmek biri için ölmek değil, her şeye rağmen yaşayabilmekmiş... 1:08 😂😂. Sonu çok güzel SKSKJDKDKDK.
- Of Earth and Blood